Thursday, December 22, 2011

Here We Go.

Well, here we go...finally starting the blog that I've wanted to for sooooo long.  I'm really going to get into it, once January arrives, but I thought I'd get it all ready to go!  This is just a place for all things pretty, practical, prudent, and projecty that I do myself or stumble upon.  Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

evelynn's nursery.

Evelynn's Nursery!

What an absolute joy it was to piece together the space for this sweet little girl of ours. I started with a color palette from a duvet cover I fell in love with from where else, Target. :)  Then after much diy'ing, salvation army runs, and hardwork it finally came together. 

Evelynn's Dresser/Changing table started as a bit of a mess found for $25 at Salvation Army, good bones though, and love the mid century lines on this, I could see potential!

After some sanding, a couple of coats of white paint, a Wallpaper Modge Podged top, and some new handpainted knobs from Hobby Lobby, here is the finished product.  

Next project was the chevron wall that I have sooooo been dying to paint. It became quite the undertaking, so much math, measuring, and 2 1/2 hours of taping. (Over a few days of course, because I'm a mom of a 2 year old too, so when the heck would I find a straight 2 hours!)
And after it was complete, I absolutely fell in love with it!  It is perfect for our little Ev.
A better view of the chevron wall!

Simple artwork was created by painting, and then modge podging the dresser wallpaper onto the sides of an old canvas. Then used foam letters to write the quote. 
This little DIY mobile idea I found on pinterest was only completed because I was on bedrest for 3 weeks!  Wow it took forever!  But I do love it and Evy loves to look at it too!

So much fun to create this room! But even more fun now that Evelynn is here and we get to see her in the room!